የኢትዮጵያውያን፡ ተራድኦ፡ ማህበር፡ በብሪታንያ፡ እ፡ኤ፡አ፡ በ1983 ፡ በአንጋፋነት፡ ተቋቁሞ፡ ላለፉት፡ 36፡ አመታት፡ በተለያዩ፡ ጊዜያት፡ በተለያዩ፡ ምክንያቶች፡ ከውድ፡ አገራቸው፡ በስደት፡ ለወጡ፡ በብዙ ሺህ፡ ለሚቆጠሩ፡ ኢትዮጵያውያን፡ ብሄር፡ ቋንቋ፡ ሀይማኖትን፡ ጾታ፡ ሳይለይ፡ ከፖለቲካ,፡ ነጻና፡ ገለልተኛ፡ በመሆን፡ የተለያዩ፡ አገልግሎቶችን፡ ማለትም፣ የስደተኝነት፡ ማመልከቻ፡ ድጋፍ፣ የመኖሪያ፡ ቤት፡ ፍለጋ፣ የጤና፡ የሴቶች፣ የህጻናትና፡ የአዛውንቶች፡ አገልግሎት፣ እንግሊዝኛ፡ቋንቋ፡ ትምህርት፣ የስራ፡ ፍለጋ፡ ስልጠናና፡ ምክር፣ የመሳሰሉትን፡ ማህበራዊ፡ አገልግሎቶችንና፡ ድጋፍ፡ በመስጠት፡ ላይ፡ ይገኛል።
የተራድኦ፡ ማህበሩ፡ የተቋቋመው፡ በእንግሊዝ፡ አገር፡ የግብረ፡ ሰናይ፡ ድርጅቶች፡ ህግና፡ ድንጋጌ፡ በመሆኑ፡ ከፖለቲካ፡ ነጻና፡ ገለልተኛ፡ ሆኖ፡ ለህብረተሰቡ፡ ተገቢውን፡ አገልግሎት፡ እየሰጠ የገኛል።
Learn MoreThe Ethiopian Community Association was established in Britain in 1983 as a veteran, and for the past 36 years, at different times and for different reasons, it has provided many thousands of Ethiopians who have emigrated from their dear country, irrespective of their ethnicity, language, religion, gender, politics, freedom and independence, providing various services, namely, immigration application, support, housing, home search, women's health. , services for children and the elderly, English language education, job search, training and counseling, social services and support.
The Association was established in England, the country of the country, because of the laws and regulations of the organizations, so it is independent and independent from politics, and has been providing appropriate services to the society.
ECIB is committed to promoting the social, economic, educational, health and community wellbeing of its members; Promote and preserve Ethiopian cultures and traditions for children of Ethiopians in diaspora to help them appreciate their heritage.
Create a vibrant and strong Ethiopian community whose members are productive and prosperous members of society.
Accountability, Transparency, Inclusiveness and Compassion. Provide reliable, quality, and accessible community services to all in Britain
Ethiopian Day Celebration. Sports. After school and summer youth programs.
Learn MoreSupport us and change the course of people's lives! Thanks For The Results Achieved With You
Want to keep fit but have fun? Join Tade Barch for Eskista (እስክስታ) classes at Ethiopian Community in Britain 2a Lithos road, NW3 6EF Eskista is a traditional Ethiopian cultural dance Free entry for children under 12 year of and and adults over 50 years of age. Friday evenings at 6pm from the 21st July. Find the link in our bio to book your tickets.
We are happy to announce this Saturday 1st April we bring to you The 2nd Humanity & Charitable works day in support and promotion of Betelhem Ze-Ethiopia. A charity doing amazing work across Ethiopia and beyond. There will be a variety of events on the day including fundraisers, live performances and a surprise at the end. May we be a hope and blessing for others.
The UK truly did walk to Adwa, from London to Bath and beyond. We at the ECB feel proud and privileged to have been a part of the past two weekends events and to more importantly have met and worked with the amazing Ethiopians that made it all happen. Together we plan on making this bigger and better every year. Because although our history isn't taught, yet our treasures are hoarded it's on all of us to give Ethiopia (and in turn Ethiopians) what is rightfully due to her. 25th February - London Over a year in the planning, Ethiopians from all over the UK came to King Cross to celebrate their victory and to again remind the world of Ethiopia, Africas victory. In resemblance of the walk to Awda 127years ago we marched chanting and singing with our proud green, yellow and red. 5th